Saturday, July 16, 2011

Two new C-Gear skins revealed!

For those of you who thought Munna was too girly for your C-Gear, I have great news: the Pokemon Global Link site has two new skins available! From now until the summer of 2012, Pikachu and Mincinno C-Gear skins will be available for those who have the appropriate password. The passwords are:
  • Pikachu: PikachuCGear
  • Mincinno: PGLWELCOME

Saturday, July 9, 2011

YouTube of the Whenever: The final countdown.

Since I haven't done a YouTube of the Whenever in a while....

After 30 years and 135 missions, the Space Shuttle program is about to come to a close. Yesterday at 11:26 am ET, Space Shuttle Atlantis started its final mission: a 13-day journey to deliver supplies to the International Space Station.

Contrary to what some people believe, this does not mark the end of the USA's space program. It does, however, mark the beginning of a hiatus in American manned spaceflight. In the interim, the Russians will send people to and from the ISS.

I'm going to miss the Space Shuttle; watching it take off (even from South Florida!) was one of the perks of living in Florida. I will, however, be keeping an eye on the various commercial enterprises who are hoping to establish a presence in the final frontier. Things have looked pretty good for them so far.

Godspeed, Atlantis.